Now here is a matrix with letter 'a','b','c','w','x','y','z' and you can change 'w' to 'a' or 'b', change 'x' to 'b' or 'c', change 'y' to 'a' or 'c', and change 'z' to 'a', 'b' or 'c'. After you changed it, what's the largest submatrix with the same letters you can make
The input contains multiple test cases. Each test case begins with m and n (1 ≤ m, n ≤ 1000) on line. Then come the elements of a matrix in row-major order on m lines each with n letters. The input ends once EOF is met.
For each test case, output one line containing the number of elements of the largest submatrix of all same letters.
Sample Input
2 4
wxyzSample Output
由于 w
、 x
、 y
、 z
都可以转换成 a
、 b
、 c
可以得知,最后结果必定在转换成 a
、 b
、 c
分别转换成 a
、 b
、 c
/* By:OhYee Github:OhYee HomePage:http://www.oyohyee.com Email:oyohyee@oyohyee.com かしこいかわいい? エリーチカ! 要写出来Хорошо的代码哦~ */ #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <map> #include <set> using namespace std; const int maxn = 1005; char Mapa[maxn][maxn]; char Mapb[maxn][maxn]; char Mapc[maxn][maxn]; int H[maxn][maxn]; int Left[maxn][maxn]; int Right[maxn][maxn]; int MaxMatrix(char Matrix[maxn][maxn],int n,int m,char target) { memset(H,0,sizeof(H)); memset(Left,0,sizeof(Left)); memset(Right,0,sizeof(Right)); for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) for(int j = 1;j <= m;j++) { if(Matrix[i][j] == target) { if(Matrix[i - 1][j]) H[i][j] = H[i - 1][j] + 1; else H[i][j] = 1; } } for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) for(int j = 1;j <= m;j++) { if(Matrix[i][j] == target) { int t = j; while(t >= 1 && H[i][j] <= H[i][t - 1]) t = Left[i][t - 1]; Left[i][j] = t; } } for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) for(int j = m;j >= 1;j--) { if(Matrix[i][j] == target) { int t = j; while(t <= m && H[i][j] <= H[i][t + 1]) t = Right[i][t + 1]; Right[i][j] = t; } } int Max = 0; for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) for(int j = 1;j <= m;j++) { if(Matrix[i][j] == target) { int S = H[i][j] * (Right[i][j] - Left[i][j] + 1); Max = max(Max,S); } } return Max; } bool Do() { int n,m; if(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m) == EOF) return false; int a = 0,b = 0,c = 0; for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) for(int j = 1;j <= m;j++) { char t; scanf("\n%c",&t); Mapa[i][j] = (t == 'w' || t == 'y' || t == 'z') ? 'a' : t; Mapb[i][j] = (t == 'w' || t == 'x' || t == 'z') ? 'b' : t; Mapc[i][j] = (t == 'x' || t == 'y' || t == 'z') ? 'c' : t; } int ans = 0; ans = max(ans,MaxMatrix(Mapa,n,m,'a')); ans = max(ans,MaxMatrix(Mapb,n,m,'b')); ans = max(ans,MaxMatrix(Mapc,n,m,'c')); printf("%d\n",ans); return true; } int main() { while(Do()); return 0; }